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Training, Fighting, and Glory


To start off your adventures in Zygethia you may need some training. The best places to go would be your local barracks, tourney grounds, or academy that includes a gymnasium. In these places you can get to know the combat system within Zygethia, observe others in practice, and pay for trainers. 


If you can't afford such training but desire a life of combat, the best course of action would be enlisting in the army. In this way you can have your expenses payed, training is free, and you will be payed a small stipent that will allow you to put a down payment on your future after your service.


Seeking a path in the military is the most noble pursuit in Zygethia, a sacrifice that we pay with gold and honor. Find your nearest barracks or you could just talk to a lord that has your goals and ideals in order to enlist with them specifically.  

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